Hillsdale Hospital News

Press Release: No Visitors Permitted at Hillsdale Hospital

Entry Restricted to Main Entrance, Screenings Required, Deliveries Prohibited

HILLSDALE, Mich.—In accordance with executive order 2020-7 issued by Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer’s office today, Hillsdale Hospital is prohibiting visitors, effective immediately and continuing through April 5 at 5 pm. In addition, all deliveries, including flowers, mail, food, etc., are prohibited unless necessary for the operation of the hospital.

All entry to the facility will be restricted to the main hospital entrance to minimize expo-sure to patients and staff. All individuals not under the care of Hillsdale Hospital will be screened for travel and respiratory symptoms each time they seek to enter the facility. Hillsdale Hospital will deny entry to individuals who do not meet the evaluation criteria.


  • All visitors are prohibited from entry unless necessary for: 
    • provision of medical care
    • support of activities of daily living
    • exercise of power of attorney or court-appointed guardianship for an individual under Hillsdale Hospital’s care
    • performing official governmental functions
  • Exceptions include: 
    • a parent, foster parent, or guardian of an individual who is 21 years of age or under and who is under Hillsdale Hospital’s care
    • visitors to an individual under Hillsdale Hospital’s care that is in se-rious or critical condition or in hospice care
    • visitors under exigent circumstances on a case-by-case basis
  • Additional Restrictions for Specific Units
    • McGuire & MacRitchie Skilled Nursing Units: No visitors permit-ted unless visiting patients under end-of-life care.
    • Birthing & Women’s Health Center: One visitor per obstetrics pa-tient for the duration of their stay (labor, delivery, and post-partum).
    • Emergency Room: One visitor per patient for the duration of that patient’s stay. Visitor may be asked to stay in the ER waiting room.


  • Hillsdale Hospital staff will perform a health evaluation of all individuals that are not under the care of the facility each time the individual seeks to enter the facility, and will deny entry to those individuals who do not meet the evaluation criteria. The evaluation criteria include:
    • Symptoms of a respiratory infection, such as fever, cough, shortness of breath, or sore throat
    • Contact in the last 14 days with someone with a confirmed diagnosis of COVID-19

    The evaluation criteria may be updated without warning as new information and recommendations become available.

These restrictions will be reassessed daily and changes will be communicated to the media and to the public via official Hillsdale Hospital channels as soon as possible. For complete details, visit www.hillsdalehospital.com/coronavirus.