Take care of yourself today. Protect your health for tomorrow.
Your insurance may cover preventive care services offered right here in Hillsdale. Consult your insurance provider or coverage information for details. Below suggestions are for the average patient. Certain conditions may alter the recommended age or frequency for certain screenings.
Type | Age, Frequency & History | How to Schedule |
Cholesterol Blood Test | Age 18+: Every 5 years | Talk to your primary care provider, doctor’s order required. |
Immunizations COVID-19, influenza, pneumonia, shingles, etc. | Age, frequency and health history vary based on immunization | Talk to your primary care provider about what immunizations may be right for you. |
Osteoporosis Bone Density Scan | Age 65+: One time or as needed per doctor’s order | Talk to your primary care provider, doctor’s order required. |
Tobacco Cessation Counseling | For all current smokers | Talk to your primary care provider, doctor’s order required. |
Cancer Screenings
Type | Age, Frequency & Health History | How to Schedule |
Breast Cancer Mammogram | Age 35: Baseline screening Age 40-74: Every year | Talk to your primary care provider or GYN, doctor’s order required. |
Cervical Cancer Pap | Age 21-29: Every 3 years Age 30-65: Every 3 years alone OR every 5 years with HPV testing | Hidden Meadows OB/GYN (517) 437-8292 |
Colon Cancer Colonoscopy | Age 45-75: Every 10 years | Hillsdale Surgical Group (517) 437-5350 |
Lung Cancer Low-Dose CT | Age 50-80: Every year for smokers with a 20 pack-year history or those who have quit within the past 15 years | Hillsdale Pulmonary Clinic (517) 437-8366 |