In honor of CEO Duke Anderson, who retired June 1, 2020, Hillsdale Hospital will construct The Anderson Pavilion on its grounds to provide space for hospital events and private use by its employees. The pavilion was conceived as a fitting tribute to honor Anderson’s legacy and will be fully funded by the Hillsdale Hospital Auxiliary with a $60,000 donation.
To further honor Anderson and support the project, Hillsdale Hospital Auxiliary is offering bricks with your inscription to line the sidewalk at The Anderson Pavilion. A donation for each brick is $100 and may be ordered through the Hillsdale Hospital Gift Shop. Proceeds will go to the Hillsdale Hospital Auxiliary, which has pledged the funding of the pavilion.
Space permits up to three lines of text per brick, 15 characters per line (including punctuation and spaces) maximum. Letters, numerals and common punctuation marks only. All engraved letters will be uppercase.
To order, visit the Hillsdale Hospital Gift Shop or download the order form below and mail to:
Attn: Gift Shop
Hillsdale Hospital
168 S. Howell Street
Hillsdale, Michigan 49242

Linda Fedosuk
(517) 437-1713