Hillsdale Hospital News

Hospital Leaders Re-Appointed to Michigan Health & Hospital Association Groups

Hodshire, Robertson, Lott Commit to Serving Michigan’s Healthcare Community

HILLSDALE, Mich.—Three members of Hillsdale Hospital’s team were recently appointed to serve on Michigan Health and Hospital Association (MHA) statewide councils and committees. MHA Councils serve the statewide healthcare community by influencing association policies and focusing on issues specific to the appropriate MHA group.

Jeremiah “JJ” Hodshire, President & Chief Executive Officer: Hodshire continues to serve on the Board of Trustees, the Small or Rural Hospital Council, and the Human Resources Council. Beyond his role as a trustee, Hodshire helps to identify and examine issues unique to small and rural providers from a regulatory and policy development viewpoint on the Small or Rural Hospital Council. He also offers insight on issues affecting the healthcare workforce through his position on the Human Resources Council.

Rachel Lott, Chief Communications Officer: Lott is again serving on the Legislative Policy Panel to examine healthcare legislation impacting Michigan hospitals. She will also participate in the panel’s recommendations of formal association positions on legislation and help guide association advocacy efforts based on the MHA Board of Trustees’ legislative priorities.

John Robertson, Chief Quality, Information & Technology Officer: As part of the Person and Family Engagement Advisory Council (PFEAC), Robertson supports and encourages person- and family-centered care in Michigan hospitals. The PFEAC provides the voice of patients and families within the MHA and MHA Keystone Center. He also advises on policy issues related to health equity, safety, quality management and compliance issues through his service on the Safety & Quality Committee.

“As a leading small rural hospital, we represent the interests of many hospitals that are just like us,” said Lott, who is also Hillsdale Hospital’s spokesperson. “Through our service on these councils and committees, we continue our efforts to improve rural healthcare in Michigan, for the benefit of our own hospital and the entire healthcare community.”